Truffles are kind of ridiculously easy to make considering their decadence. I mean, you can make them super fancy but even then it doesn't require that much effort. Chocolate truffles are balls chilled ganache coated in cocoa powder and/or other delicious things like nuts, sugar or more melted chocolate. Ganache itself is cream and melted chocolate. The three kinds I made were dark chocolate, white chocolate with lemon, and milk chocolate Nutella.
Chop up the chocolate well and put it in a heat-safe bowl (like my Pyrex one). In a small saucepan bring the cream to just under a boil, then remove from heat. For the Earl Grey flavouring, steep a few tea bags in the hot cream for 30 minutes, then reheat (I did this but for some reason the tea flavour didn't catch - alas, still yummy).
I chose cocoa powder, a classic. Dump some into a shallow container and get yourself a small spoon or a melon baller.
Scoop out small amounts of ganache and, after coating your hands with cocoa powder so they don't stick, form them into small, rough balls (not perfectly smooth ones).
Roll the balls in your coating until covered.
If you like, you can put them in an attractive box and give as a gifts, like I did!
Next up are the lemon ones. I got the recipe from Technicolor Kitchen and I must say these are AWESOME. The lemon and white chocolate go so well together. Oh geez. Yum.
Again, pour into pie plate, cover, chill, roll and coat. I chose to roll these in icing sugar instead of cocoa powder like in the original recipe, but it would appear that I forgot to take pictures of that!
Next up, Nutella. I knew there were some Nutella truffle recipes out there but I decided to create my own!
I chose to coat the Nutella ones in melted chocolate and sprinkles. Above is regular baker's chocolate melted with butter and a big spoonful of Nutella. I dipped the rolled balls of Nutella ganache into this.
After dipping/rolling, put them on a foil- or waxed paper-lined tray and pop them in the fridge.
I found the Nutella ones to be a little tricky to work with because of the oil in the Nutella - it made them kind of slimy and they didn't roll very well. Once they were done they were fine, though. In the future I might use less Nutella, or maybe forgo it altogether and just add in some hazelnut extract.
You can, of course, play around with these recipes to your heart's content, since they're so simple. A popular option is adding flavoured liquers (such as orange, raspberry, coffee, etc) when mixing the cream and chocolate together. Regardless it'll probably turn out yummy!!