In any case, I spent the better part of this morning responding to the student on the Facebook group. Battling racism and misogyny, in my pyjamas, all before noon. Wonderful. In any case, I've contacted Student Affairs, the ISC, Aysan Sev'er (UTSC Special Advisor to the Principal on Equity) and Nouman Ashraf (U of T Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Officer). All of them back me up (quote from an e-mail from Tom Nowers: "we do not manage any service area by plebiscite." - zing!) and we'll probably be working on some awareness and education programming for the future. I've also ended discussion with this student - it has not been productive in anyway and is just stressing me out more than anything - and told her to speak with Student Affairs.
How timely all of this is, what with International Women's Week and all.
Tomorrow, being International Women's Day, is also Blog Against Sexism day. You can find out more here.

Anytime, pretty lady! Anytime! :D