Sunday, April 15, 2007


To anyone who was at the Board meeting on Friday, I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm not sorry for the message I was trying to convey, but I know it was unprofessional of me to act the way I did. It was the result of a lot of frustration I've been feeling because of the way certain Directors have been acting, and I meant it when I said I couldn't believe I'd lasted this long with them. I'm not quitting, though. Despite all this I still like my job.

More blogging once exams are over.

1 comment:

  1. Dead Jenna: Everyone wigs out sometimes; and the SCSU and how professional board meeting conduct is (and c'mon, yelling and leaving is no more less professional than all the other shenanigans that go on in BODs...) has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the job you've done this year and the steps you've helped complete, start, or help along at UTSC.

    Besides, having read a bit more about your life - I think I'd probably have snapped a whole lot earlier if the person I love was going through that much. Patience only runs so far and with exam time being here too, I think you're completely justified in your outburst.

    Hence, please, feel free to freak out and tell people to fuck off -- particularly when it does seem rather well deserved.

    Then again, i've never been one to hold back when i want to tell someone to fuck off...or call them a fucking yeah =p


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